Why Property Portal development is important for real estate agents?

Why Property Portal development is important for real estate agents?

August 19, 2015 / Nirav Shah

Hello Friends, I am currently working as a quality analyst in Eternal Web Pvt. Ltd. My responsibilities include:test the website functionalities, write bug reports, prepare test plans and execute them, Prepare system flow diagrams. Apart from my day to day job functionalities which I perform here, I also help my team members with their communication skills. I am also a voracious reader and love reading articles, news and also analyze important information from those articles and share with my team members. I am also fond of writing articles. So, Today I want to share the details regarding the importance of property portal development for the real estate developers.I hope you enjoy reading it. Eternal is one of the real estate web development firms which is committed to their client’s growth in the real estate industry. They believe, the client’s success is the key of their success. Real Estate Website Design requires specialized knowledge of Real Estate ​industry,its changing trends, Focus area and Goals of the company.I have tested these websites/portals and have also provided my valuable inputs that can be seen on these websites/portals. Real estate development, or property development, is a multifaceted business, encompassing activities that range from the renovation and re-lease of existing buildings to the purchase of raw land and the sale of improved land or parcels to others. Developers are the coordinators of the activities, converting ideas on paper into real property. Real estate development is different from construction, although many developers also construct. A real estate broker or real estate agent is a person who acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers of real estate/real property and attempts to find sellers who wish to sell and buyers who wish to buy. Property development makes a significant contribution to the property industry and economy. However, property development is inherently risky, with a number of risks evident throughout the property development process. Importance of property development for real estate agents is as mentioned below:

  • The more number of properties the agent has developed, the agent will also upload those properties and attract more number of potential visitors to the portal.
  • The users will be able to contact him to buy or sell any properties through this portal.
  • Reduction in the property marketing cost : The overall marketing costs of the properties get reduced as compared to the marketing done through various traditional media sources like: newspapers, billboards and magazines.
  • Information Publishing is Easy : The online portal provides a platform to the agents through which, they are able to post various types of information regarding the properties compared to the traditional media sources like: newspapers, billboards, and magazines in which limited amount of information is published.
  • Property details of a specific property can be easily published on the portal by the agents, as compared to the traditional media sources which charge amounts per words and no. of photos published in a specific media.
  • Whereas through the portal it is quite easy for the agents to put as many photos as they want for a specific property, the property description can be added as and when needed and the amount of the description can be as long as necessary and also there is no limitation in publishing the property photos. The property location can also be displayed using the Google Map.
  • Reduction in property publishing time : It takes a lot less time for the agents to publish their properties on the portal and they can publish more no. of properties on the portal to attract more no. of potential buyers and sellers.
  • Online platforms also have a wider reach, compared to the traditional media. The newspapers, magazines and billboards have a limited scope while the internet has a wider reach. This enables the agents to get more potential buyers or tenants for their properties.
  • Agent can also provide various subscription plans to the users of the property portal to attract various users.

Let us now see how the online property development is beneficial to the buyers of the properties:

  • Online property portals are quite easy for potential buyers, as they will not have to buy magazines and newspapers to look for their ideal property. With only the click of a button, they can easily find their dream property. They can also compare the prices of properties they are looking for, therefore helping them to make an informed decision on the property to buy.
  • Online property portals are more convenient and less time-consuming for house-hunters. When they find their ideal house, they just need to do one or two physical visits to ensure the standards of the property are up to date and that everything is in order. Then they can start the paperwork to secure their dream property.
  • They can also add the properties in their wishlist.
  • The sellers of the property can easily find various properties as per their needs once they logged into the portal.
  • The sellers can find buyers who are ready to buy their properties based on the requirements.
  • Users can view various properties uploaded on the property portal.
  • They can also find the details of the property owners and agents through this property portal.

Let us now see how the online property development is beneficial to the owners/sellers of the properties:

The owners of the properties are benefited in the following ways as mentioned below:

    The owner of the property can easily upload the properties on the property portal with a one click.

  • He can contact various property agents through this portal.
  • He can also set a proper pricing for a property which he wants to sell to the buyer.
  • He can also find a no. of potential buyers who will buy his property on a reasonable prices.
  • He can answer the inquiries of various buyers through this portal

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