Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

March 8, 2021 / Nirav Shah

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like etc, passwd etc.


Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Install Perl

Phases to Install Webmin in Linux

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Install Perl

sudo yum -y install perl

Issue the command below to download the Virtualmin installer script:

wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh

Execute the VirtualMin installation script.

sudo sh install.sh

There are three (3) Phases to the installation:

Phases to Install Webmin in Linux

Phase 1

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Phase 2

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Phase 3

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

The above screenshot marks the end of the installation process.

Proceed to visit your domain on port 10000 on your browser with http://domain_name:10000 replacing domain_name with your domain name.

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Enter root as the username and your root password in the password entry.

After logging in, next is the Post-Installation Wizard.

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Adding a Valid Certificate with Let’s Encrypt

Under Webmin, navigate to Webmin Configuration, next click on SSL Encryption.

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Navigate to the Lets’s Encrypt Section.

Webmin: A web-based Linux management tool

Also read: How Enable Username & Password Authentication for Linux EC2

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