Patient Management Portal

A step to wellness management for pharmacies.

Patient Management Portal

August 14, 2018 / Nirav Shah

Health sector is one of those sectors which never slows down or stagnate. It has a continuous inflow of new recruits and new breakthroughs are made everyday in the field of medicine. While this brings fame to scientists, It becomes hard for a pharmacist to manage all the medicines and combine them with the patient profile to maintain. Maintaining all this crucial data securely and within governmental norms in not an easy task.

At Eternal we love challenges and we made a pharmacy management software that caters to both individual and chain of retail pharmacies. Whether you are just starting your pharmacy or want to increase the overall efficiency of existing pharmacy, our software will suit your needs.

Being a company that specializes in custom software development we have made and update the web software regularly for enterprise grade security. We have made this software from point zero, thus you are bound to expect zero data leak in our system.

Following points will prove that this patient management portal is only for your pharmacy. You can manage:

  1. Staff Members.
  2. Patients.
  3. Login details of patients.
  4. Issue membership card to individual patients.
  5. Patient’s appointments.
  6. Send and receive notifications.
  7. Pharmacies and their services.
  8. Patient’s health record.
  9. List of current health services signed up to.
  10. Latest appointment bookings.
  11. Currently nominated pharmacy and its’ services .
  12. Latest pending/approved prescriptions.
  13. The patients can also refer your website to their friends.
  14. The patients can also view their BMI information in their login panel.
  15. The patients can also change the password of their account.

Being a custom developed software, this patient management portal can be very easily customized and branded as per your business needs. You come to us with thoughts and we make them a real working software.

Contact us to get a custom quote only for your business and experience free consultation from Team Eternal for custom software development.

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