Install Django on Ubuntu

Install Django on Ubuntu

November 18, 2020 / Nirav Shah

Django is an Open-Source application system written in Python. We will see how we can install Django on a Ubuntu-based system with some fairly simple commands.

Install Django using Apt Manager

  $ sudo apt-get install python3-django
  $ sudo apt-get install python-django

It will install a stable version of Django on your system.

Install Django using PIP

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Now install Django using PIP

$ pip3 install django

Install Django with Github

Utilize this technique on the off chance that you need to introduce an improvement form as opposed to a steady Version. To introduce Django from Github you should introduce PIP and Git both. If it’s not too much trouble use the accompanying commands to install Django from Github.

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo apt-get install git

Create a folder name of django_repo in your home directory.

$ mkdir ~/django_repo

Now clone the Django repository to your local

$ git clone git://

Install Virtualenv to create a virtual environment

$sudo apt install virtualenv -y

Create and activate Virtual Environment.

$ virtualenv venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate

Now install Django using the PIP command.

$ pip install -e ~/django_repo

So this is how we can install Django in two different ways on an Ubuntu system or server.

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