Hybrid application development and 4 most extensive features of it.

Hybrid application development and 4 most extensive features of it.

May 1, 2018 / Nirav Shah

Many of the users have a question that whether Hybrid apps are different from the our regular apps like whatsapp, facebook or instagram ?

As per my view, it is not. Hybrid applications are also similar to the general apps out of which many are build on Hybrid frameworks. Like Facebook and Instagram are purelly hybrid application. Then let’s know about What is Hybrid application? and What are the key perks of using a hybrid framework? In this article i have described about Hybrid application and how we can take advantage of it.

What is Hybrid application ?

Hybrid applications are similar to the native mobile mobile application in nature like we can install a hybrid app from the app store or play store, we can store data inside it, we can play with it, we can take photos with it, we can access web pages, etc. We can do most of the things that the native apps can with Hybrid technology.

In hybrid app the Page Layout is rendered in a native webview, and we can also access the hardware controls from it.

Frameworks for Hybrid App development ?

Coming to development for  Hybrid application we have many choices of hybrid framework which themselves have their own features and limitations, Hence we have to choose one smartly.

  1. Ionic
  2. React-Native
  3. Framework 7
  4. Phonegap

This 4 frameworks are trending and also have a large community, frequent updates, open source licence, good documentation. These are all based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript but Ionic comes with angular 2 as it’s base-framework, so if you know angular 2 or later you can easily develop the application with Ionic.

Feature that ionic provides are Extraordinary and Hance Ionic has become one of the tranding framework in Hybrid app development industry.

Why ionic is different from others ?

  1. Ready made components
  2. Own native library and plugins
  3. Themings
  4. Premium support

Ready made components

  • It comes with components like Cards, Lists, Menus, Slides, etc which are design to a very standard and satisfactory level, using ionic pro feature we can create our UI simply dragging these components in our pages. This components provide relative look and feel on various platforms like android, iOS and windows.

Own native library and plugins

  • With the native library we can access the hardware functionality like camera, microphone, contacts, gallery, finger auth and many more. We can make use of these native plugins through NPM.js


  • Theming is the most important part of any mobile application development, with theming we can make attractive user experience, ionic comes with it’s own theming individually dedicated to various platforms like Material Design, iOS design and windows design and Hence it helps us in getting the appropriate UI experience for a particular platform.

Premium support

  • New developers into ionic face issues during development, as the ionic community is pretty huge, finding a solution to a particular query or issue is relatively easier. Alternatively you can always find a proper solution on stackoverflow or other community websites.
  • It also had a support blog that is dedicated toward providing proper solution and tutorials. It’s maintained by Ionic certified developers and hence is of great value learing from the ionic team it self.
  • as per our experience in hybrid application development ionic tops the chart for building mobile applications in iOS, android or Windows.

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