How to restrict s3 bucket for specific domain name?

How to restrict s3 bucket for specific domain name?

July 17, 2020 / Nirav Shah

For any website or an application, security is always the top priority. To equip you with such knowledge on the AWS ecosystem, our AWS team experts have already made some amazing articles. If you haven’t checked then the links are listed below.

  1. How to restrict access to a bucket to specific ip address
  2. AWS S3 bucket policy with forcefully SSL requests only
  3. AWS S3 bucket user policy
  4. How to create an AWS S3 bucket policy to grant access to specific IPs?
  5. AWS IAM access analyzer

Now suppose, if you want to restrict a specific domain on AWS S3. Is this possible?

The answer is yes and let’s get started.

Step 1

Login to your AWS Console

Step 2

Go to S3 service and create the bucket

Here we will create a bucket named “eternal2020”


Step 3

Go to “permission” section and click on the bucket policy button and create some custom policy. Before we put in custom policy for our S3 bucket, let us consider two scenarios:

Allow requests from a particular domain
Deny requests from a particular domain

#1. In this policy, we can allow requests from only one domain mentioned here ( or

  "Id":"http referer policy example",
      "Sid":"Allow get requests originating from and",

And click “save” button

#2. Now, let see how can we restrict a specific domain ( or

  "Id":"http referer policy example",
      "Sid":"Allow get requests originating from and",

Here our bucket name “Eternal2020” and we have restricted or allowed requests from a particular domain to AWS S3 bucket.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (Explained with an example)

CORS defines a way for client web applications that are loaded in one domain to interact with resources in a different domain. With CORS support, you can build rich client-side web applications with Amazon S3 and selectively allow cross-origin access to your Amazon S3 resources.

So let see how can we do that

CROS can be found under a separate tab next to the Bucket Policy tab, called CORS configuration.


The * means allow access from any source/origin.

Suppose if your domain is like “” so the configuration look it


The website is only accessible via HTTPS request, but if you access via HTTP then you have to configure redirect policy and if the user comes to your website via compared to then it would be denied access to the bucket


To know more about the service please follow link

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