How to recreate the deleted default VPC in AWS?

How to recreate the deleted default VPC in AWS?

June 23, 2020 / Nirav Shah

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

What if by mistake you delete your default VPC don’t worry we have the solution for you please follow the steps as under.

  • We are going to restore the default vpc through 3 methods

Method 1

To create a default VPC using the Amazon VPC console

  • Open the Amazon VPC in the console
  • In the navigation pane, choose Your VPCs.
  • Choose Actions, Create Default VPC
  • Choose Create. Close the confirmation screen

Method 2

To create a default VPC using the command line

  • You can use the create-default-vpc AWS CLI command. This command does not have any input parameters.
    • aws ec2 create-default-vpc
    • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS

This are the most easy way to create the Default VPC

Now let’s make the VPC manually

Method 3

To create a default VPC manually using the Amazon VPC console

  • Login in to aws console and navigate to VPC
  • Click on Create VPC
    • Input the name and CIDR block in the console
    • We have taken CIDR
    • Select the tenancy as Default
    • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
    • As you can see we have successfully created our vpc
    • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Select subnet located on the left side of the screen
  • Click on create subnet
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Input your desired name or leave it blank it’s up to you
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Select the newly created VPC ( default_test )
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Select the availability zone where you want to create the subnet
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Input the IPV4 CIDR BLOCK (,, )
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
    • Please create 3 different subnets or number of subnets you want to be available for your vpc
  • Select the newly created subnet and click on Action on the top of the screen.
  • Click on Modify auto-assign IP settings
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Make check on the Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Select Internet Gateway located on left side of the screen
  • Click on Create Internet Gateway
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Input your desired name i have given it the same name as my VPC
  • Click on Create
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Select the newly created Internet gateway ( Default_test )
  • Click on Action
  • Select Attach to VPC
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Select the newly created VPC ( Default_test )
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Navigate to Route table located on left side of the screen and select Route which at the end of the screen
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Now click on Edit Route
  • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS
  • Click on Add Route
    • Destination –
    • Target – the newly created internet-gateway
    • Note If you don’t find your internet gateway just copy the igw id from the internet gateway console and paste it here.
    • recreate-deleted-default-VPC-AWS


We have successfully created our Default VPC to verify it just launch a new server and try to connect it via SSH if the connection is successful you have created the VPC correctly.


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