How to Install Jupyter Notebook on AWS EC2

How to Install Jupyter Notebook on AWS EC2

July 17, 2020 / Nirav Shah

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that you can use to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and text. Jupyter Notebook is a very powerful tool for developing and presenting data science projects.


You have to install Anaconda on EC2 Instance for running Jupyter. Once it’s done, generate Jupyter config file using the following command.

$ jupyter notebook –generate-config

Write the default config to: /home/eternal/.jupyter/

Open the above-generated path using Nano or Vi Command.

$ nano /home/eternal/.jupyter/

You have to add your IP on line A and C.
NotebookApp.ip = ‘’ without comment(#) and save the file and exit using CTRL + O and CTRL + X command to allow Jupyter Notebook to be accessed worldwide.

## The IP address the notebook server will listen on.

#c.NotebookApp.ip = ‘localhost’

c.NotebookApp.ip = ‘’

Time to Reset Jupyter Notebook Password

$ jupyter notebook password

Enter password: ———————-> Enter your Password
Verify password: ———————-> Re-Enter your Password

Allow Jupyter Notebook default port i.e.; 8888 on the Amazon EC2 security group.

Start Jupyter Notebook and login

Use the following command to start Jupyter Notebook

$ jupyter notebook

Visit following URL to access your Jupyter Notebook.


Enter your password and login to Jupyter Notebook. It’d done.

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