How to Create a CloudFormation Template to Deploy a NodeJS Application

How to Create a CloudFormation Template to Deploy a NodeJS Application

June 15, 2023 / Nirav Shah

Create a CloudFormation Template to Deploy a NodeJS Application


You can create a CloudFormation Template using either a YAML or JSON file. We’re going to use a YAML file in this tutorial. 

In this template, we’ll be creating an EC2 instance, we’ll configure a Security Group for EC2, and add a script to deploy a simple NodeJS app.


Standard  Configuration of installing software and related dependencies: 

  • Ubuntu version: 20.04
  • NodeJS version: 19.20
  • EC2: t2. Micro
  • Yarn version: 1.22
  • Pm2 version: 1.22



  1. If you want to install specific version of NodeJS and related dependencies then kindly follow  this link (  and you can change your desired   version of nodejs in template accordingly. You have to change setup 16.x to your required      version in that .yml file in VS code and then upload it to stack.
  2. To Change version of yarn and PM2 you have to change in user data section like: sudo apt install yarn=1.x.y: Replace 1.x.y with the specific version of Yarn you want to install. For PM2 sudo npm install -g pm2@2.x.y: Replace 2.x.y with the desired version of PM2 you want to install
  3. By modifying these lines, you can ensure that the desired versions of Yarn and PM2 are installed alongside the specified version of Node.js. Remember to replace 1.x.y and 2.x.y with the actual versions you want to use.
  4. node_with_docker TO https://your-git-repo/folder  cd your-project-repo. then install yarn pakage – command: yarn install


CloudFormation Template to Create an EC2 Instance

There are over 224 types of resources in AWS, but we need to create an EC2 resource. Resources represent the different AWS Components that will be created and configured. We’ll define the Resource type identifiers in the below format:


The resource format for the EC2 instance is Aws::EC2::Instance. To learn more about AWS resources and syntax, checkout the AWS official documentation and play with it. Look at the EC2 documentation to understand the declaration of EC2 instance. Both JSON and YAML syntax is available but we’ll stick with YAML for this tutorial. 

There are a lot of properties available to customize the creation of our EC2 instances. To make things simple, we’ll be configuring Availability Zone, Imageid, and Instance Type which are basic properties needed to create an EC2 instance. 



Type: AWS::EC2::Instance


AvailabilityZone: us-east-1a

ImageId: Your-instance AMI-id

InstanceType: t2.micro

AWS CloudFormation – EC2 Instance configuration

Here NodejsDeploy refers to the name of the resource we’ll be creating. You can name your resource as your wish. 

Let’s see the process to deploy the NodeJS app


Deploy a NodeJS Application

We’re going to deploy the NodeJS app using the User Data property in the EC2 resource. 

If you don’t know about EC2 user data, it is a feature of AWS EC2 which allows us to pass information during the launch of the EC2 instance. You can use it to perform custom actions, such as installing software and executing the script. 

Let’s write the bash script to deploy the NodeJS app and attach it to the user data.

Here is the simple script to deploy the NodeJS application:


set -e

curl -sL | bash -

sudo apt install nodejs

node -v

npm -v

curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

yarn --version

sudo -i -u ubuntu bash << EOF

set -e

cd /home/ubuntu

sudo npm install -g pm2

git clone

cd node_with_docker

yarn install 

pm2 start yarn --time --interpreter bash --name sample_node -- start -p 8000



Sample script to deploy the NodeJS app

The above script installs NodeJS, Yarn, and PM2. It clones a NodeJS project from Git, installs the dependencies, and starts the app with PM2. 

Our next step is to attach this script to the CloudFormation template. 

How to Attach User Data to the CloudFormation Template



Type: AWS::EC2::Instance


InstanceType: t2.micro

ImageId: ami-08e5424edfe926b43 



set -e

curl -sL | bash -

sudo apt install nodejs

node -v

npm -v

curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

yarn --version

sudo -i -u ubuntu bash << EOF

set -e

cd /home/ubuntu

sudo npm install -g pm2

git clone

cd node_with_docker

yarn install 

pm2 start yarn --time --interpreter bash --name sample_node -- start -p 8000


EC2 Instance configuration with UserData property

You’ll notice that the User Data property is added to the EC2 block. Fn::Base64 is a function in AWS CloudFormation that allows users to encode a string to base64 format. This function can be used to pass sensitive information, such as credentials, to AWS resources in a secure manner. Since EC2 user data is not encrypted its always best practice to encode it. 

Right below that line, you can see a small vertical bar (|). It is used for multi-line string support as our script is more than 1 line.

Alright. Now we have a script to deploy the NodeJS app. But, we have to remember one super important item. By default, NodeJS applications run on port 8000. We should expose port 8000 from EC2. Now we need to create a security group configuration for our EC2 instance.

Create a Security Group

This process is similar to creating an EC2 instance, except we’ll replace the type from Instance to SecurityGroup.


Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup


GroupDescription: for the app nodes that allow ssh, http, 8000


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '80'

ToPort: '80'


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '22'

ToPort: '22'


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '8000'

ToPort: '8000'


AWS CloudFormation – Security Group configuration

The above code should be pretty self explanatory – we defined a Security group, allowing ports 22 (SSH port), 80 (HTTP port), and 8000 (NodeJS). We named the Resource as NodejsDeploySG. 

Attach the Security Group to EC2

You may be wondering – “We’ve created a template for creating a Security group but how will this be linked to the EC2 instance?”

The solution is simple. CloudFormation provides an intrinsic function called ! Ref that allows us to reference a resource or parameter within a CloudFormation template.



Type: AWS::EC2::Instance


InstanceType: t2.micro

ImageId: Your-instance AMI-id


- !Ref NodejsDeploySG




set -e

curl -sL | bash -

sudo apt install nodejs

node -v

npm -v

curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

yarn --version

sudo -i -u ubuntu bash << EOF

set -e

cd /home/ubuntu

sudo npm install -g pm2

git clone

cd node_with_docker

yarn install 

pm2 start yarn --time --interpreter bash --name sample_node -- start -p 8000



Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup


GroupDescription: for the app nodes that allow ssh, http 


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '80'

ToPort: '80'


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '22'

ToPort: '22'


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '8000'

ToPort: '8000'


Add Security Groups configuration to EC2 Instance

You can see that the SecurityGroups property is added to the EC2 instance and the created Security Group configuration is linked to the EC2 instance by using the !Ref parameter

Now we have the CloudFormation template. But we’re not yet finished. We’re still missing one more thing. Can you figure it out? We created an EC2 instance, and we allowed an SSH port…but to log in using SSH we need to attach a key-value pair, right? Let’s do that

We can attach the key-value pair name directly to the template. For example, let’s assume your key-value pair name is CFNodejs you can attach the property KeyName directly to the EC2 resource block like what’s shown below or we can pass it in via parameters



    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance


      InstanceType: t2.micro

      ImageId: Your-instance-AMI-id

      KeyName: CFNodejs


        - !Ref NodejsDeploySG

AWS CloudFormation – Key Name for EC2


Use parameters in the CloudFormation template

We can use parameters to get the name of the key-value pair from the user while creating the stack. Basically, parameters allow us to pass input values into CloudFormation templates at runtime. Let’s see how to do that. 



Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName

Description: name of the key pair to ssh into the instance



Type: AWS::EC2::Instance


InstanceType: t2.micro

ImageId: Your-instance AMI-id

KeyName: !Ref SSHKey


- !Ref NodejsDeploySG




set -e

curl -sL | bash -

sudo apt install nodejs

node -v

npm -v

curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

yarn --version

sudo -i -u ubuntu bash << EOF

set -e

cd /home/ubuntu

sudo npm install -g pm2

git clone

cd node_with_docker

yarn install 

pm2 start yarn --time --interpreter bash --name sample_node -- start -p 8000



Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup


GroupDescription: for the app nodes that allow ssh, http 


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '80'

ToPort: '80'


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '22'

ToPort: '22'


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '8000'

ToPort: '8000'


AWS CloudFormation – Attach KeyName for EC2 by reading from Parameter

In the above template, we added a parameter to get the key pair name and referenced it to KeyName property. 

Great! We successfully created a CloudFormation template to create an EC2 instance and security group. In addition to that, we also added a script to deploy the NodeJS app. Now it’s time to create a CloudFormation stack.

Create a CloudFormation Stack

The first step is to log in to the AWS console and search for CloudFormation in the search bar (see the below screenshot). Click on stacks in the left sidebar to get started with CloudFormation

amazon cloud formation nodejs

CloudFormation Getting Started

Click on the create stack button to create the CloudFormation stack.

node js cloud formulation template

Create CloudFormation Stack As we have our template ready, select “Template is ready” and choose “Upload a template file” in the Template source section, and upload the template file.

node js cloud formulation template

Deploying CloudFormation Template

Once you upload the file, the “View in Designer” button will be enabled. Click on it to view your template design.

node js cloud formulation template


Validate CloudFormation Template

node js cloud formulation template

To validate our template, click on the “Tick” icon on top left in the designer. It will validate and show us errors if any. Once the validation is done, click on the “Cloud” icon to the left of “Tick” icon. It will take you to the create stack page.

In the stack details page, enter the stack name and select your key-value pair. If you don’t have key-value pair, create one and select it.

Specify CloudFormation stack details

Leave the Configure stack options section as it is, and click continue since we don’t need any IAM permissions or advanced options.

Finally, review the page and submit the template. The template will start creating the resources

node js cloud formulation template

CloudFormation stack creating resources

Once that’s done, click on the resources tab. You’ll be able to see the resources we created (EC2 and Security group resources).

node js cloud formulation template

Resources created by CloudFormation Template

Click on the EC2 instance, and you can see that our instance will be up and running. Copy the public IPv4 address. 

node js cloud formulation template

EC2 instance up and running

Open your browser and hit http://<ip_address>:8000 (In my case it is 

You should be able to see a page similar to the one below:

NodeJS app running

node js cloud formulation template

This represents that our NodeJS app is successfully deployed! 

Note: EC2 user data will take some time to install dependencies. So for the first time, the page will take long time to load. Just be patient until the site is loaded.


How to Delete the CloudFormation Stack

If you no longer need the stack, you can delete it from the CloudFormation console. 

Select the stack you want to delete, click “Delete Stack,” and confirm the action. This action will delete all resources created using this stack. In our case, it’ll delete both EC2 and Security Group. You don’t need to delete the EC2 instance and Security Group individually.

node js cloud formulation template

Deleting CloudFormation stack


CloudFormation Full Template



Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName

Description: name of the key pair to ssh into the instance



Type: AWS::EC2::Instance


AvailabilityZone: ap-south-1a

ImageId: ami-08e5424edfe926b43

InstanceType: t2.micro

KeyName: !Ref SSHKey


- !Ref NodejsDeploySG




set -e

curl -sL | bash -

sudo apt install nodejs

node -v

npm -v

curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

yarn --version

sudo -i -u ubuntu bash << EOF

set -e

cd /home/ubuntu

sudo npm install -g pm2

git clone

cd node_with_docker

yarn install

pm2 start yarn --time --interpreter bash --name sample_node -- start -p 8000



Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup  Properties:

GroupDescription: for the app nodes that allow ssh, http, 8000


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '80'

ToPort: '80'


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '22'

ToPort: '22'


- IpProtocol: tcp

FromPort: '8000'

ToPort: '8000'


CF-Template Command Explanations:

  1. set -e: This command ensures that if any command fails (exits with a non-zero status code), the script will exit immediately instead of continuing execution.
  2. curl -sL | bash –: This command uses cURL to download a script from the NodeSource repository. The script sets up the package repository for Node.js version 16.x. The downloaded script is then piped to bash – to execute it.
  3. sudo apt install nodejs: This command uses the apt package manager to install Node.js.
  4. node -v: This command prints the installed version of Node.js to the console.
  5. npm -v: This command prints the installed version of npm (Node Package Manager) to the console.
  6. curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -: This command uses cURL to download the GPG public key for the Yarn package repository. The downloaded key is then added to the system’s keyring using sudo apt-key add -.
  7. echo “deb stable main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list: This command adds the Yarn package repository to the system’s package manager sources. It appends the specified repository URL to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list file using tee.
  8. sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn: This command updates the package manager’s cache with the new repository information using apt update. It then installs Yarn using apt install yarn.
  9. yarn –version: This command prints the installed version of Yarn to the console.
  10. sudo -i -u ubuntu bash << EOF: This command starts a new shell as the ubuntu user with root privileges. The subsequent commands until EOF will be executed within this subshell.
  11. set -e: This command sets the script to exit immediately if any command fails, just like the earlier set -e command.
  12. cd /home/ubuntu: This command changes the current directory to /home/ubuntu.
  13. sudo npm install -g pm2: This command uses npm to globally install the PM2 process manager. The -g flag indicates a global installation.
  14. git clone <repository URL>: This command clones the specified Git repository. Replace <repository_url> with the actual URL of the repository you want to clone.
  15. cd node_with_docker: This command changes the current directory to the cloned repository’s directory (node_with_docker).
  16. yarn install: This command installs the project dependencies defined in the package.json file using Yarn.
  17. pm2 start yarn –time –interpreter bash –name sample_node — start -p 8000: This command uses PM2 to start the application. It specifies the command to execute (yarn start -p 8000), sets the interpreter to bash, assigns the application a name (sample_node), and enables logging with timestamps (–time).


In this article, we learned about CloudFormation, how it works, and how to create and delete a template stack

Here is a Github Repo Link:

These commands collectively set up the EC2 instance, install Node.js, Yarn, and PM2, clone a Git repository, install dependencies, and start the application using PM2.

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