Configuration of Zammad on Centos7

Configuration of Zammad on Centos7

March 27, 2021 / Nirav Shah

Zammad is a helpdesk or customer support web-based ticketing system. It is free and open-source. It has an API for integrating your telephone system into incoming and outgoing calls.

Some features of Zammad are:

  • Supports full-text search.
  • Has flexible text modules.
  • Immediately reports changes to objects.
  • Supports auto-save.
  • Supports individual escalation or setting client solution time limit.
  • It is auditable and often used in banks.
  • Allows for the creation of individual overviews.
  • Supports various security mechanisms such as device-logging and two-factor-authentication.
  • Provides a customer interface, where they can track the current editing at any time.
  • Supports external authentication via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google via OAuth.
  • Supports nine languages and so much more.

Below is the console of Zammad


So let’s get started with how to install and configure it.

Zammad Requirements

  • Elasticsearch for searching performance
  • Database: PostgreSQL (supported by default), MariaDB or MySQL
  • Reverse Proxy: Nginx (supported by default) or Apache.
    rpm --import
    echo "[elasticsearch-7.x]
    name=Elasticsearch repository for 7.x packages
    type=rpm-md"| sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch-7.x.repo
    yum install -y elasticsearch
    /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install ingest-attachment
    systemctl start elasticsearch
    systemctl enable elasticsearch    





Step 2 Install Zammad on the system through yum

    # yum -y install epel-release wget
    # wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/zammad.repo
    # yum -y install zammad    



Step 3 Check the status of Zammad Server

    # systemctl status zammad
    # systemctl status zammad-web
    # systemctl status zammad-worker
    # systemctl status zammad-websocket    

Step 4 Verify the PostgreSQL and Nginx service both are running and are up

    # systemctl status nginx
    # systemctl status  postgresql    



Step 5 Configure Nginx for the Zammad. Edit the below file and enter your System public IP address.

    # vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/zammad.conf
    # systemctl restart nginx    


Step 6 In the last, check for the firewall and SELinux.


Step 7 Go to the browser and access the Public IP address of your system. And on the details screen provide username and password as per your requirement.


Step 8 After the successfully configuring Zammad you are able to see below screen. Now this is where you are able to create User, Role, Ticket and do much more



We hope that the above blog will help you to install and configure Zammad on Centos7. It will be same for most of the linux distributions with little to no change. In case you are having trouble with installation and configuration of Zammad on a linux system and want professional help, connect with us and we will get everything sorted out.

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