AWS Data sync vs AWS Storage Gateway

AWS Data sync vs AWS Storage Gateway

September 10, 2021 / Nirav Shah

AWS Data Sync 

AWS Storage Gateway 

Online data transfer service Hybrid cloud storage service
Can be data transfer between

  1. on-premises to AWS
  2. Between AWS services
Data only transfer between

On-premises to AWS

Agent : VM (software agents only)

4 agents:

VMware ESXi




Agent : VM

4 agents:

VMware ESXi




Or can purchase hardware appliance from Amazon

AWS Storage Gateway hardware appliance:

  1. 5 TB SSD
  2. 12 TB SSD
Transfer Destination : S3, EFS,Fsx Transfer Destination: S3,Glacier,Glacier Deep Archive
No types 3 types :

1.File gateway ( file storage in s3)

2.Volume gateway ( block storage as EBS snapshot)

– Cached volumes gateway (Low-latency    access to      your most recently used data.)

– Stored volumes gateway

(On-premises data with scheduled offsite backups.)

3.Tape gateway ( S3 and can be archived to Amazon S3 Glacier or Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive)
Protocol : NFS, SMB, or using the Amazon S3 API. Protocol : iSCSI, SMB, and NFS.
Network performance less compare to storage gateway ,Less secure , High latency Network performance ,More secure , Low latency and Durable
Encryption : AWS KMS Compression, encryption, and bandwidth management are built in



Just FYI : FORMULA 1 uses AWS DataSync and AWS Storage Gateway for backup and archiving

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